Here are my Atlantic Alliance Power Armour infantryman, and his nemesis, the Holy Soviet Mystic:
These began life as 1/72 Vietnam US infantry and WW2 Russian officer respectively. The AA trooper has had strips of cardboard superglued to him and MiniMold modelling... goo.. to fill in the gaps. Finally another strip of card added as an ammo belt (converting a humble shotgun into a ferocious minigun) and a bit of sprue for a backpack.
The Soviet Holy Mystic was a simpler job - a wonky small spring looped around a cocktail stick to form a staff with which to direct his horrifying psychic powers, which I glued above and below the hand that formerly held a pistol (Peestol? I spit upon your puny peestol). I also added a small centimetre square piece of paper as a cape, because... well, capes are pretty wizard.
Primed and given a skin wash to give you an idea of dimensions
White trousers and black tunic and cap for the Holy Mystic with red/brown mix for staff, cape, boots and leather detailing. Power armour trooper undercoated black and drybrushed.
Burnt Sienna ink wash for the Mystic, olive drab panels on the power armour trooper - notice the white star on the chest/ abdominal panel, free hand. Then washed with brown and black ink (diluted)
Finally done! inkwash, final drybrushing, matt varnish and based - green paint and then flock. Quite pleased with the results, if I do say so myself! Certainly accomplished more than the England football team did with my evening last night... :-D
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