Monday, 8 July 2013

Army Lists & Game Philosophy

The fluff continues – as the Soviet attack bogs down in the face of increasingly severe Allied resistance, the war begins to widen as all sides look around themselves for new allies and new enemies make their presence felt.

This is it folks, this is where the Second European War becomes the First World War and all hell breaks loose... (cue demonic laughter from the bowels of the development studio)

So, as the fluff begins to draw to a close, leaving our tortured planet wracked by conflict and detruction, I now begin to turn my attention to the army list section – now, I may be being over ambitious (no, surely not?) but I'm hoping to include a basic list for the Holy Soviet Empire, the Atlantic Alliance and the European League, as well as the Jihad Pact, FutureCorp and The Brotherhood.

Each list will include three different infantry and vehicle tiers as well as one or two special units. Are there any suggestions that you guys would like to make? The aim is for every faction to play differently...

...whilst keeping things cheap and simple and fast. A usable balanced Apocalypse: Earth army should cost a player no more than £20 or so, while the average game should be 3 hours max.

As a former WH40K junkie, I came to the conclusion that very few players actually play the game – GW products seem to me to have become beautifully crafted display pieces and the rules themselves bogged down by special rules and unit profiles. Good ideas become bloated and sadly impractical, slowing the pace of the games and losing the excitement.. A:E is designed to be the antithesis of this- quick, cheap, dirty and lethal, with the “Fortunes Of War” cards there to introduce a “sh*t happens” aspect to the game

So I put the question out there – all wargamers, how much time do you spend playing the games you own as opposed to collecting, painting and modelling? I ask this not as a criticism, but out of genuine interest- how many play the games over and over, how many prioritise rulesets against miniatures and fluff? How many hours do you spend painting, basing and modelling against actually putting your armies in harm's way? Do you like the idea of a simple “pick up and go” philosphy, or do you prefer your games to have more of a sense of occasion about them?

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Return of the Forum!

From my last attempt at getting this game together, this forum includes a great many good ideas from those who posted - many have made it into the backstory.

Battle reports, fan ideas, concept art and more - all here at:

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Timeline taster

From the soon-to-be-released rulebook, here's the first page of the timeline.. you lucky, lucky people....

1904 – following overwhelming success in the Russo-Japanese War, the forces of Imperial Japan occupy the Korean peninsular.

1908 – in Tunguska, Siberia, a massive unexplained explosion destroys huge areas of forest. Reports emerge of citizens suffering bizarre headaches and visions. In some remote villages, many take to the streets as prophets claiming that the blast was a “sign from God”. Prominent amongst these is an unnaturally charismatic monk named Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin

August 1914 – The Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. In response, the Austro-Hungarian Empire delivers ultimatum to Serbia. Russia, through its alliance with the Serbs, warns Austria-Hungary to back down and begins mobilising its military. In response, Germany warns Russia not to threaten its Austrian ally  and starts mobilising its own military.

France, through alliance with Russia and fearful of the powerful German presence on her borders, mobilises in turn. The UK, bound by an “Entente” or understanding but not a formal treaty, votes to pursue a policy of unrestricted naval warfare against Germany but NOT to send the British Expeditionary Force, as it is felt that the tiny British standing army may well be needed for home defence in the event of invasion or instability throughout the Empire, particularly with the continuing threat from Irish nationalists. On the continent, what will come to be known as The Six Months War breaks out in confused, bloody fighting.

September 1914 – In the West, the Germans break through French and Belgian defences on the Marne River, while in the East, they inflict a catastrophic  defeat on Russia at the Battle Of Lake Tannenberg. Both 1st and 2nd Russian armies - over half a million men in all - are almost completely wiped out. The few survivors will eventually make there way back to the Russian interior to tell their tales.

December 1914 – German and Austrian forces reach and  the French capital and begin to lay siege to it. In the ensuing  Battle of Paris., losses are horrific - each side loses over a million men, many dying from wounds as the medical services are unable to cope. From its temporary home in Nice, the French government offers an armistice, while the UK offers its services to broker the deal. However Kaiser Wilhelm rejects  their offer, declaring nothing save unconditional surrender to be acceptable. He orders army onward to take Paris “whatever the cost”.
Unable to watch the destruction of their army and an entire generation of young German men, the General Staff mount a military coup against the Kaiser, sending him into house arrest.

With the Kaiser incommunicado, General Falkenhayn assumes temporary power and accepts the British offer to broker a Franco-German ceasefire. Meanwhile Germany turns attention to the Russian front to bolster flagging Austrians. In truth, many senior German officers have long seen Russia as the real threat to European civilisation.

1915 – with the Western front quiet and the Entente powers engaged in reconstruction, Germany focuses her military power eastwards, inflicting massive defeats on Russian forces, careering through the Baltic states and laying siege to St Petersburg. With casualties spiralling out of control, food production and distribution in chaos, the populace erupts against the corrupt and incompetent rule that led them to this situation. The Tsar and his family are either killed or forced into exile and a temporary military government is established under Marshal Kerensky.

Kerensky knows the hopeless nature of Russia's military situation and knows that prolonging the war will mean only more suffering and death, with no hope of victory. Reluctantly he sues for peace and accepts the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Volgograd in the hope that peace will allow some measure of reconstruction, while Russia still has the means to do so.

Crucially, one of the tenets of the Treaty is “ a free and neutral Polish state” which Germany hopes to see as a buffer against Russian revanchism or expansionist ideas. Independence, or at least autonomy from Russian rule, is  granted to the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and the Ukraine. The port of St. Petersburg is also to be declared an open city in the manner of the Vatican.

1916 – Extremist Bolshevik agitators begin to gain power and momentum, capturing the imaginations of a populace sickened by war, suffering and iniquity. In villages and amongst former servicemen, self governing collectivist communities known as “Soviets” are established. The Russian parliament - the Duma – is brought into being and many of these Soviets demand representation.

In the West, the governments of Europe found the League of European Nations at a conference in Strasbourg in the hope of ensuring that never again will Europe suffer any thing like the catastrophic destruction and bloodletting of the Six Months War. Across the continent, the cry is “Never again!”.

Friday, 14 June 2013

It begins...

Twelve years. Twelve damn years I've been tinkering with this project, and after innumerable false starts along the way, it's looking like the end is finally in sight....

The idea was so simple. A quick and easy set of wargame rules for 20mm scale  - the 1/72 and 1/76 scale Airfix and Matchbox toy soldiers and model kits, along with the HO scale scenery from model train manufacturers, something that would have a fast and fluid game mechanic, "feel" quick and dirty and brutal.. something that as a gamer weaned on the mighty WH40K I felt was lacking from many games systems. 

Combat should be fast paced and lethal, not bogged down in reams of statistics and special rules. Cover would be crucial - no soldier in his right mind would stand up to present himself as a target. Melees should feel terrifying and brutal, as I imagine having to literally fight hand and fist and bayonet to save your own life and kill your opponent must do. 

Morale would be an essential consideration too - can any amount of training prepare a soldier for the shock of seeing his squadmate gunned down in front of him? Surrenders and POWs were a facet I've still never seen in any of the games I've played, but they're an integral part of Apocalypse: Earth, along with fire support (including air strikes, close air support and air defence) and electronic warfare.

I also wanted it to be accessible and cheap - hence the reason for the 20mm scale. At the current time of writing, you can pick up boxes of 40-50 soldiers for around the £6 mark - plenty to get started with. Beyond that, all you'll need are the counters and templates in the book, a tape measure and a fistful of bog-standard six-sided dice. 

So the mechanics came together pretty quickly, and the playtest games felt every bit as fast, furious and unforgiving of mistakes as I'd hoped. Job done.

And then...

Oh, then I thought I'd get clever.

See, you could turn this ruleset to pretty much anything - WW1, WW2, contemporary, sci-fi.. and the battles fought tended to reflect the realities of the time period. But you see, I'm a sucker for a bit of good, old-fashioned 1950-s style pulp sci-fi, and I wanted a world where all those wonderfully goofy machines - Avrocar flying saucers, jet packs, Tesla death rays - actually worked, but being a student of actual military history I wanted it to reflect the realities of combat, warts and all. Or as warts and all as can be done for someone whose closest experience was paintballing.

So the story grew, and grew, and with it the need for army lists and points values...

And as the project snowballed in terms of size, the time available to devote to it dwindled. 

Happily though, we're nearly there now, and all those interested in picking up a copy of Apocalypse: Earth, fighting battles where American flying saucers and German rocket interceptors battle it out with Soviet supertanks and mechanically augmented supersoldiers... well, stay tuned.